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BLAIRs of Maine
Clan Blair Society
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Let me introduce myself. Then check out my Ancestral page to see if we are cousins.

- - Visit the Clan Blair Society pages at

Visit my pedigree charts to see if we're related! I still have lots of updates to do to my pedigree charts. This page will continue to grow and reflect the research I do, including my Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts roots. From my Mayflower ancestors who arrived in 1620 to the early settlers of Maine and New Hampshire, its all online. See my Links page for just some of the resources I use.

If you research in the Bath, ME area, then check out the USGenWeb project for Sagadahoc County, Maine. There is lots of activity on all the USGenWeb pages. Besides these pages, I host city/town pages for Portland and Peaks Island, Maine. Drop by and take a look. If you're interested in contributing to these, please contact me.

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BLAIRs of MAINE - Family Reunion

This is the reunion of the Descendants of James & Jane TODD BLAIR. The last reunion was several years ago, and the group needs a fresh infusion of enthusiasm and volunteers. As I know it, the annual reunions began in 1959. Attendance has varied from year to year, dwindling in the latter years. This has been a chance to catch up with cousins, other researchers, and meet new cousins. The last few Blair Reunions had been scheduled for the 3rd Sunday of August, in conjunction with the Maine Highland Games held in Brunswick. A perfect opportunity for a weekend of celebration of our Maine and Scots heritage!

We need help from our younger cousins to restart the reunions and to ensure they continue. If you can help, please contact me. Send me your contact information if you are not already on our invitation mailing list.

It is believed that James and Jane arrived in Arrowsic, Maine circa 1738 on a vessel commanded by Capt Thomas Stinson. They later settled in Woolwich, Maine (Pownalborough at that time) where they raised a large family that today still has its remnants in Woolwich, Bath, Georgetown, Dresden, and many other Maine communities. Many of the descendants of James and Jane Todd Blair share distinctive ancestry of the old families of Lincoln, and Sagadahoc counties.

If you are a descendant of the Blairs of Maine, join us as we build the Blair Family Reunion and learn more about our cousins and ancestors. to be added to the Descendants mailing list.

Remember, if you can help, Contact me!

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BLAIRLIN & BLAIRTREES Genealogical Compilation

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Blair Family Organizations
The Clan Blair Society

Blair Society for Genealogical Research

Other Clan Blair Connections
Electric Scotland: Clan Blair

Gathering of the Clans

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BLAIR Pages & Genealogies

BLAIRs on the Internet

BLAIR Genealogy Sites Online
  • Have you added your Blair Site?

  • BLAIR DNA Project - Highly Recommended !!
    Note: I am looking for a male descendant of the New Hampshire (Londonderry) Blairs
            to participate in the DNA Test. This can be a critical link
    Administered by John A. Blair

Blair on the GenForum - Blair Queries

Blair Family Genealogy Forum
  • Lots of Blair Genealogy queries

Blair Old Parish Records of Scotland
  • Scottish Parish Records transcribed by John A. Blair

BLAIR Surname Mailing Lists

Things Scottish

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The Author is a member of
HTML Writers Guild

Souther Family Association Genealogy Award
of Excellence

Presented to
BLAIRs of the World
12 July 1998

Genealogy Award
Golden Banner Award

Family Genealogy - A Passage in Time

All Contents of this page © Shawn Blair, 1995-2008

images © misc. resources

Blair of Maine Guestbook BLAIRs BLAIRLIN Links Ancestry Pioneer Families
Clan Blair Festivals Heraldry Sagadahoc Woolwich Portland Peaks