Aye! That's me in my wee bonnet!

I am Shawn Blair. The fifth great grandson of James and Jane Todd Blair of Woolwich, Maine. I love to pursue my genealogy and teach what I have learned about history and things Scottish to whoever will lend an ear. This home page was originally created to tell all who come upon it about Blair genealogy and the organizations I share my commitment with.

Born and raised in Maine, I returned to Southern Maine after living in Connecticut for a number of years. I am a member of several clan societies, and hold an officer position in the Clan Blair Society. Clan Blair has membership around the world. At Highland Festivals around the country, the clan societies host tents to share information about the clan, genealogy, Scottish heritage, and Scottish History. I began doing this at New England festivals and games in 1992 and love the extended family and visitors I see at each event. If you attend the games, be sure to find your clan. They'd love to have you visit!! If you are a Blair, join me or join CBS and host a Blair tent at a festival near you!

I have also been a member of The St. Andrew's Societies of Connecticut and Maine. The first Saturday of October each year, the St. Andrew's Society hosts a Highland Festival at the Goshen Agricultural Fairgrounds in Goshen, CT. Now in Maine, I look forward each year to the St. Andrew's Society of Maine's Scottish events and celebrations.

In addition to all this and tracing my genealogy, I'm also the current president for the Descendants of James and Jane Todd Blair Family Reunion in Maine. Unfortunately, we haven't had the reunion the past few years. We need younger James and Jane Todd Blair descendants to help put the word out and organize this once a year event. Each year, in a different part of the USA or sometimes Scotland, the Clan Blair Society holds its Annual General Meeting. We enjoy seeing many of our clan members and sometimes even get to see close relations that we've never met! In 2003 at the Costa Mesa, CA AGM, I met several of my Western located descendants of our Maine Blairs. I'd like to see a large annual reunion grow out of the many descendants out west. Please contact me if you can help.

Obviously, I love doing all these sorts of things. More than that, I love to share the passion of pursuing genealogy, Scottish heritage, and family with other people. If you'd like to chat about, or would like some assistance with any of these things, feel free to send me an email. God Bless.


All Contents on this page © Shawn Blair, 1995-2008